The main goal is to reveal the deeper political meanings latent in all cultural activity.
Is there some latent meaning or pattern here, or, after all is said and done, is this confluence simply not a very critical juncture?
The manifest dream and its latent meaning.
But it will excite some readers and listeners to know that these latent meanings retain the potential to deliver insights into the past.
Like Jackie, she restlessly reframes and adjusts her images, nudging them to disclose latent or hidden meanings.
One more distinction is between the manifest contents (of communication) and its latent meaning.
"Manifest" describes what (an author or speaker) definitely has written, while latent meaning describes what an author intended to say/write.
This unique debate is full of enigmas and latent meanings which lie under the simple counts of the numbers one to thirteen.
The story uses wordplay to raise to the foreground the latent double meanings that accompany political discourse.
The kernel of the content of commodity being labour and the dream being its latent meaning.