He stretched himself and began to achieve part of his own large latent capacity.
Thus the domestic cat has the latent capacity to redevelop rich color vision should it ever need to switch to daytime hunting, he said.
The first is that there is tremendous latent capacity in an organization that managers are paying for but not benefiting from.
The development of the new German music drama, therefore, fully attests our latent Dionysiac capacity.
Your mind, while pitifully undeveloped, had a latent capacity and a power that made your return here certain.
Preflexes are the latent capacities in the musculoskeletal system that auto-stabilize movements through the use of the nonlinear visco-elastic properties of muscles when they contract.
Scholars in this intellectual camp point to the fact that even chimpanzees and bonobos have latent symbolic capacities that, in the wild, they rarely if ever use.
Bentov noted that "strong and unusual bodily reactions and unusual psychological states" might develop as a consequence of latent capacities in the human nervous system.
Dr. Beard also thought that some of these primordial cells-carrying latent capacities for invading tissues-could escape and spread throughout the body of the developing fetus.
Economic and military cooperation amongst these small states was minimal, ensuring that the defeated powers of Germany and the Soviet Union retained a latent capacity to dominate the region.