They also say the procedure is safer and less traumatic than other late-term procedures.
Following are excerpts from today's House debate on the bill to ban a late-term abortion procedure.
Supporters of the legislation say it is aimed at a specific late-term abortion procedure.
He would resist any erosion of abortion rights, such as a ban on late-term procedures.
Some counseled him to sign a bill last year that would have banned a late-term abortion procedure.
He opposes the death penalty and any restrictions on abortion rights, even for late-term procedures.
The move to ban the late-term procedure has been a centerpiece of the anti-abortion movement for eight years.
The State Senate will consider a bill today to ban a late-term abortion procedure.
The group supported the passage of legislation in Virginia, banning a late-term abortion procedure.
For one thing, he has not supported a ban on the late-term procedure that critics call partial birth abortion.