In it, Mitchell narrates a first-person description of a late-night gathering in a bar frequented by American Indians, touching on themes of hopelessness and alcoholism.
As he often does, he is playing host to a late-night gathering of friends and musicians.
(The mysterious invitations to these late-night gatherings arrive via the house managers who do double duty as blue-chip social connectors.)
There remains much to relish, in the eccentric camaraderie of the late-night post-opera gatherings.
But she is equally vivid in capturing Ugwu's teenage lust, his comic rivalry with other servants or the tenor of late-night academic gatherings.
With a cigarette dangling from his lips, Vladimir Radojicic, a 34-year-old photographer, projected an unflappable cool during a late-night gathering of Yugoslav immigrants in Manhattan.
Unsupervised parties and late-night gatherings of teenaged kids were the order of the day.
Even the term "concerto" doesn't describe the Bernstein work, a dramatic vignette centered on a small group of lonely friends sharing separate personal angsts at a late-night gathering.
She said she recently worked with a salesman, a recovering alcoholic, whose boss had kept pressuring him to have a few beers with clients at late-night gatherings.
During one of these late-night gatherings in early November, Sandy happened to mention that Arnie Cunningham was parking his machine in the long-term lot out at the airport.