His latest whims are establishing a 200-foot international boundary and posting dumpling exchange rates at a local bank.
So it hardly seems necessary for Mr. Raban to take so much time rationalizing his latest seafaring whim.
At times Blade grumbled over Lord Leighton's latest whims and fancies.
He could only temporize and hope that the old duke would think better of this latest whim while the purely practical difficulties and delays were being dealt with.
This "French Marquise" effect was her latest whim.
Galliano's characteristically unconventional vehicle choice wasn't just a case of an eccentric artiste leaning on the moneymen to indulge him his latest whim.
Watson's day consists of hours of phone work, reading scouting reports and player evaluations and dealing with whatever Steinbrenner's latest whim might be.
Perhaps, but it is Mr. Gray's latest whim - family - that has led him here.
"There is no constancy, no permanence, in Menzoberranzan beyond the Spider Queen's latest whim."
He listened to Mr Cavalli's latest whim with interest.