To discourage further uprisings, the Russians granted freedom to the serfs of the lords who had led the latest uprisings.
His first book, "South Africa: The Peasants' Revolt," memorialized the late 1950's uprising.
Mr. Samhadana was a lieutenant colonel in the Palestinian security forces before the latest Palestinian uprising began in 2000.
At the heart of this latest uprising is a decades-old split in the field over the best way to study politics.
The spokeswoman said it was the 12th tunnel discovered this year out of more than 90 located since the latest Palestinian uprising began in 2000.
They have briefed Mr. Annan about the human and material cost of Israeli retaliation against the latest Palestinian uprising.
The first is the behavior of the Palestinians with their latest uprising, Intifada II.
The truces faltered for weeks, then collapsed altogether in Najaf in early August, setting off the latest uprising.
It was already too late, however, for the military to avoid scorching criticism of its performance in the latest uprising.