It was a good day to be the latest star of the Nehru-Gandhi family dynasty.
Michael's real problem isn't the late star's indisguisable weirdness, but a paucity of decent material.
I even made the occasional trip into the West End of an evening to see the latest music-hall star.
"I can only narrow it down to a late K-type star between seven and ten billion years of age."
The late stars still shone though the moon had long since set.
The latest star is "canon," hanging like a dark cloud over all discussion about liberal education with a pseudoreligious charge.
Edward Woodward is the latest star to join the queue for the confessional.
Various family members and close friends gave personal and open interviews about the late star during the two tributes.
Jagger also praised the late star as a one of a kind musician, adding, "We will never see his like again.
While Johnson, who finished with 9 rebounds and 13 points on 4-of-12 shooting, was the late star, he was not the only one.