But you can hear nearly every kind of music, from Irish traditional songs to the latest post-grunge mutation.
He also suggested that scientists may need to monitor H.I.V. as they do the influenza virus so that the vaccine can be adjusted each year to target the latest mutations.
The latest mutation nudges the Disklavier more fully toward the electronic piano.
The English group Blur played its first public performance in four years, revealing its music's latest mutation into bleak, angular, slow-rolling funk.
In particular, we need to ask not just what kind of society we want, but what will be left of society if the latest neoliberal mutation is signed into law.
But it could have been simply another example of someone unsure of what's allowed and what's not in this latest mutation of security procedures.
"After all, every single gene-type in the galaxy is found there, barring a few late mutations."
He would have liked to have had the opportunity to study the latest viral mutation, but the risk was just too great.
They spend evenings chewing over the latest mutation of total quality and then hate themselves in the morning.
Our old expectations offer no antibodies to this latest mutation.