"I sent it in the name of my late mother-in-law, Aurelia."
Contrast the look of Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy's widely photographed dress last September with that of her late mother-in-law's wedding photographs some 43 years earlier.
To my late mother-in-law, a native of Tidewater Virginia, "down there" was a genteel anatomical euphemism.
More and more it seems Kate takes on more attributes of her late mother-in-law, the Princess Diana.
There was heartfelt applause for a slide of Mr. Albert's late mother-in-law, who is still considered the patron saint of the dinners.
But much more important has been the one thing her late mother-in-law believed, perhaps erroneously, that she was denied: a supportive, encouraging and reassuring husband-to-be.
It was freely said in the village that the blow to the reverend gentleman had been considerably softened by the terms of his late mother-in-law's will.
Give the girl a break.....she has good taste in clothing and I'm sure she getting sick and tired of hearing she's like her late mother-in-law.
She explained that this was her late mother-in-law's house, which they were now using for the overflow of guests from the farm.
I speak from personal experience as my late mother-in-law suffered from the condition.