Instead, he felt like a pawn in the credit card industry's latest maneuver.
One associate of the owner suggested several possibilities for what the commissioner perceived to be Steinbrenner's latest maneuver.
He saw the pursuing sphere pass them thirty feet below, surprised by this late maneuver.
It was the latest maneuver in a struggle widely viewed as a test of Russia's respect for the rights of foreign investors.
The latest Pakistani maneuvers seem to have been in response, although Pakistan has also asserted that the war games were routine.
Unfortunately, our friends in 'the colonies' seem to be completely distracted by the latest maneuver by their Congress.
And they said the Oneidas' latest legal maneuver had at least forced public officials to focus on the problem.
A protest date can easily be moved, timed to affect the latest diplomatic maneuver.
The latest maneuver occurred last week, when the House Speaker put forward a rule governing debate on the issue next month.
Meanwhile this latest maneuver should keep the protector busy.