A glimpse of the latest guidelines came in August, when a draft was released.
Get the latest dietary guidelines, explore MyPyramid.gov, and learn the basics of eating healthy.
The latest guidelines from the National Institutes of Health conform to her view.
You've received the latest guidelines from my staff, and we've already started to close down segments of the transporter network to use for testing.
I would be pleased to provide the latest guidelines at your convenience.
Stick to the government's latest dietary guidelines, which recommend three servings of low- or nonfat dairy a day.
The latest guidelines, released in 2010, repeat that advice.
The latest guidelines say you need at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise five days a week.
The Center's latest guidelines (2003) no longer prescribe a particular editorial procedure.
The latest guidelines were published on 10 January 2009.