Its latest gambit is a plan for a new test site in Alaska, with a few interceptor rockets stored nearby for possible emergency use.
Now, with his latest gambit, he's overstepped the bounds of credibility.
The $5 billion gas pipeline project is only the latest gambit.
"Since my latest little gambit seems to have failed so miserably, I would imagine they're in for a rough ride this time."
To the Editor: The political chess game has now seen its latest gambit: cheap medicine for the elderly (column, June 28).
Diplomats see the visit as Chancellor Kohl's latest gambit for political survival.
Goldfarb declined to tell Smith whether or not the Koch brothers are involved in funding this latest political gambit.
Thanks to this latest gambit, he had almost gone into stationary orbit!
His latest gambit consists of looking up women he knew in high school and playing them off against one another.
Agritainment, also known as agritourism, is the latest gambit in small-farm survival tactics.