"I believe you dealt with my late father-in-law."
She is currently working on building a hospital named after her late father-in-law in Bangladesh.
In its bed were hundreds of books from his late father-in-law's estate.
Even she is able to pardon her husband for his past offenses, but Emma has no feeling for her late father-in-law.
In 1813 he succeeded his late father-in-law as rabbi of Buczacz, and remained in office until his death.
To do this, he betrays his late father-in-law, Bardo, who died some months earlier, by selling the late scholar's library.
His father was briefly a New York City police officer, and his late father-in-law was a lifelong member of the force.
Principally he was responsible for the Parables of his late father-in-law, Andrew Young (1985).
And his late father-in-law, John Keenan, kept a second home in County Offlay.
Bill has the delusion that he has become your late father-in-law due to a mystical experience.