But he could not put off for very long the unpleasant task of phoning Whitehall with the news of the latest debacle.
I don't know what is to be done about this latest debacle, and neither do you.
Van Gundy had only one explanation for the latest debacle.
But after what happened with Cleveland, beating Chicago cannot makeup for the latest debacle.
The alternative, like Baltimore's latest debacle, is uglier.
Let's hope this latest debacle leads on to a more serious debate about the role of exams in our schools.
This latest debacle dropped the Knicks to 4-4 at home.
The images of the latest debacle wouldn't quit.
Yet questions are now being asked about whether his combative and aggressive style is really appropriate for Eurotunnel's latest debacle.
Miller lasted a little more than two periods in the latest debacle, a loss in his home state.