Peel's latest cookbook, New Classic Family Dinners, was written with Martha Rose Shulman and released in September 2009.
Nischan's latest cookbook Sustainably Delicious (Rodale), was released in April, 2010.
Unfortunately, Deborah Madison's latest cookbook, "Local Flavors" (Broadway Books), is not going to help the situation.
It's from Yan's latest cookbook.
The latest cookbooks from Lorraine Pascale and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall also made the top 10 last year.
Mr. Prudhomme's latest cookbook and an array of his spice mixes are showcased above the bar.
Some cannot resist taking the latest cookbook into the kitchen to see what promises it will keep.
Chef Hari has pioneered the next generation of Indian Cooking with his latest cookbook with chef Daniel Bolud.
This isn't just a passing interest in The Great British Bake Off or a flirtation with Nigella's latest cookbook.
So, between the professional and the amateur, he sells everything from the latest cookbooks to scholarly works on agriculture to practical books, such as how one can start up an ice-cream factory.