There's going to be a radio broadcast of the FFF's latest communiqué in about ten minutes.
Now the young Heir looked over the map, gauging the situation in light of the latest communique from the front.
The latest communique from Kira had arrived yesterday, and everything was fine.
Kirk believed that whatever the reason for this latest communique, it must be equally serious.
His first order of business was reviewing the latest communiques from Starfleet Command.
He'd been reading the latest communiqué from their agents in BBI when his attention was distracted to the statue's construction.
But I didn't finish telling you what I've learned from the latest communiqués.
It had been hinted in George Button's latest communique and confirmed in action.
As the deadline passed, the Baghdad radio highlighted the latest military communique, which urged Iraqi troops to send allied forces to their death.
"Sir, this latest communique carries a definite note of impatience."