Beginning in the late 1920s buses began to replace the streetcars, and slowly over the next twenty years the individual lines were abandoned.
The late bus to town comes past there about nine - you got plenty of time to make it.
There is a late bus that goes past Stonybrook.
The figures give no indication of how late, on average, the late buses were.
Starting this year, Westport also spent $9,000 to provide a late bus to take home children who attend after-school activities.
There is no late bus, for example, for students who stay after school for sports or other activities.
Most with their heads down, went off to shower and change to make the late bus.
There's a late bus you can catch up on the road.
The late bus at 4:45pm is provided for students who participate in after school programs.
We caught a late bus out of Bordeaux and arrived in darkness.