One of the ongoing news topics of the office was Karen's latest boyfriend.
The latest boyfriend was the moronic watchman out in front.
The president of Tremoth herself keeps her latest boyfriend in the flat below us.
However, men always break up with her - her latest boyfriend ends their relationship on her boy friend's birthday.
He teased them about their latest boyfriends, and always enjoyed playing basketball or volleyball.
In the song, the narrator has been spurned by his lover, who has already taken up with her latest boyfriend.
Her latest boyfriend is out of the picture, she told me.
He asked about the tape and learned that it was a recording of her late boyfriend's voice, expressing love for her.
His mother's latest boyfriend was arrested; she was getting high, and someone needed to pay the bills.
"I'd have Conor pose as your latest boyfriend, but that would defeat the purpose of having you on the op."