Some people, understandably, will take some convincing that a lasting resolution is within reach.
If we couldn't come to a lasting resolution back then, in 2007, when we had a deal on the table, how will we now?
Europe's festering debt troubles, and the absence of any lasting resolution, have bedevilled equities this year.
Logically, if we wish to find a lasting resolution to this problem, we should address the root causes of the insurgency.
The only lasting resolution to the nature-nurture dispute would come with a deeper understanding of the neurological basis of intelligence.
Instead, a mediator seeks to help parties to develop a shared understanding of the conflict and to work toward building a practical and lasting resolution.
The European Union repeatedly tried and as repeatedly failed to find a lasting resolution to the greatest crisis of its existence.
Further attempts have since been made to resolve the conflict, but lasting resolution has been achieved to date.
In these circumstances real and lasting resolution of problems becomes impossible.
At the same time, we will endeavour to step up our efforts to bring about a lasting and peaceful resolution of this matter.