Despite this last-minute revision, the opera was hugely acclaimed upon its premiere, and marked Donizetti's first major success, boosting his career immeasurably.
Assuaging Budget Concerns Lobbyists for the elderly applauded some of the last-minute revisions in the budget plan.
This may partly come from the tensions that have beset the opening of this revival, which has undergone considerable last-minute revisions.
Can last-minute revision have that much impact?
In the library, seniors finished last-minute revisions of their college essays.
The agent turns to where some writers are marking last-minute revisions to the copy before it appears on the Teleprompter.
For the producers the few days before the good news were the hardest, a sweaty mixture of rumor and last-minute revisions.
In a last-minute revision, Senate and House negotiators dropped a provision that would have extended child tax credits to millions of these families.
The remaining five performers pulled together to make major last-minute revisions.
Phil had returned to working on the final draft of his manuscript, making last-minute revisions before the publisher put it into pro- duction.