All the operators on here offer financial protection for their trips too, and often have last-minute deals.
I was "in the right place at the right time" to get this last-minute deal, an agent there said.
We have a last-minute deal in the works that will help keep Formspring up.
A last-minute deal could get the process moving, but every step seems harder than the last.
And those buyers looking to do last-minute deals may end up paying 5 to 10 percent higher interest rates, he said.
If you're not interested in a package, you can also find last-minute deals just for flights.
Unless a last-minute deal is reached to save the talks, the rebels may be gone from the area in days.
The Nets were only a heartbeat away from making the last-minute deal but had a change of heart.
During that time, he put together a last-minute deal to step into a Foyt back-up car.
"Do you know anything about last-minute deals for travel?"