Cost/precision trade-offs led to less expensive vision-based systems on consumer robots while commercial and industrial robots and automated guided vehicles (AGVs) tend to use laser-based systems.
The laser-based system is self-terminating once the required scleral thickness and adequate drainage of the intraocular fluid have been achieved.
The technology involved in creating a laser-based antisatellite system that can hit even a geostationary satellite is tremendous.
This laser-based system tracks retro reflectors located on the ISS to provide bearing, range and closing rate information.
This work, part of a general industrial orientation involving partnership in many industry/university collaborative research projects, has resulted in a series of new commercial laser devices and industrial laser-based systems.
Team DAD developed technology for visualizing the environment, first using a dual video camera approach and later developing the laser-based system that laid the foundation for Velodyne's current products.
CD-ROM stands for compact disk read only memory, a laser-based system of storing and replaying large amounts of text, graphics or sound on a single five-inch platter.
But the United States military has also continued long-term research and development on laser-based systems.
Alternate technologies include laser-based systems.
A laser-based system designed to gauge the satellite's performance more precisely gave false readings on Saturday.