She set down the laser tube and he picked it up to examine it, to see if it carried a charge.
Like the picture, Rick thought to himself, and, with his own laser tube, killed her.
She twisted about so that she did not have to look at the laser tube; the beam would enter unperceived.
Suddenly he held a laser tube pointed at Isidore; then, indecisively, he put it away.
From 1978 until 1984, all Laserdisc player models read discs by using a helium-neon laser tube.
Blohm could see the squat laser tube clearly for the first time.
In the middle of the chest glowed the laser tube.
Gas lasers typically use a window tilted at Brewster's angle to allow the beam to leave the laser tube.
When he stood up he found himself looking into a laser tube.
In his clenched fingers the laser tube felt hard but he could not lift it and aim it.