The man lowered his rifle and the red dot emanating from the weapon's laser scope disappeared from the wide back of an unsuspecting Lee Adams.
It would be in such poor taste, Serov thought as he once more sighted through the laser scope.
Picked up a silver-plated Mac-ll, a pair of Glock-17s, a 5.56 semi, a Colt .45 with a laser scope, and four .25caliber Ravens.
Scales backed away, his shocked eyes fixed on Lee Sawyer, who was pointing his assault rifle with attached laser scope directly at him.
Even using a laser scope, there's still a skill level required to put a twenty-two between someone's eyes at a distance.
He double-checked his own M-4 carbine 5.56-mm machine gun with laser scope, and his 9-mm Glock side arm.
Ben David lifted his M-4 carbine, aimed the laser scope, centered the red dot, and squeezed off two rounds, one after the other.
And the home was defended by a .44-magnum with a laser scope.
Raoul freed a laser scope and stepped toward the central pedestal.