X-ray sources, for example, must be in very close proximity to the target, while lasers can illuminate a target from a high satellite orbit.
A short time later, a second laser illuminates the sample, but this laser has a very broad spectral bandwidth.
In Egypt, floodlights, lasers and fireworks illuminated the ancient pyramids at Giza.
The laser would illuminate his mark and pro- vide a much smaller target for the other men than the flashlight.
Several weeks later, a laser shines down from the ship and illuminates the Millenarian Math of Saunt Edhar.
To further facilitate the attack, the F-19s use nose-mounted lasers to illuminate targets for other fighters and bombers dropping laser-guided bombs.
It will determine which atoms respond to the beam, while a telescope shows what the laser illuminates.
At that point the laser illuminated the three-ton Gorgon missile, and special sensors analyzed the reflected laser energy.
The line scanner was developed by several scientists in the 1980's, building on earlier military efforts to use lasers to illuminate the dark recesses of the ocean.
The top image in the image on the right shows the central portion of the pattern formed when a red laser illuminates a slit.