However, in some cases lasers have caused a reaction in the tissue causing it to expand and become exposed to infection.
As a matter of fact, we don't agree with General Curtis that the laser caused the missile to malfunction.
Even moderately powered lasers can cause injury to the eye.
The plasma cannons and lasers caused huge thermal blooms each time they fired and the signature was distinctive against the cold night background.
Improperly administered, lasers can cause burns, splotching or irreversible pigmentation changes and scarring.
The lasers break down pigments on the surface of the hair, but cause no harm to the fiber.
In addition to that, the laser may cause photodamage and sample heating.
Even if a laser does not cause eye damage at 25 feet, it can still cause flash blindness, glare and a distraction.
The laser, as a replacement for pesticides, does not cause widespread environmental damage that pesticides do.
When used correctly, they said, a laser causes neither damage nor pain, even if it hits a nerve.