He said the insect is restricted to "a very specialized larval habitat" that he is still trying to define fully.
Adults are found near larval habitats.
It has also been suggested that the low density of wild lupine in shadier habitats could provide better larval habitat due to the increased search effort required by predators.
Sympatric sibling species of the complex differ in types of larval habitat, seasonality and behaviour.
Introducing invasive fish species, such as rainbow trout in the larval habitats diminishes the reproduction of the island's fire salamanders singnificantly.
Adult Thaumaleidae are encountered infrequently, usually close to the hygropetric aquatic larval habitat.
Increased precipitation can increase mosquito population indirectly by expanding larval habitat and food supply.
Vegetation damaged by off-road vehicles can lead to degraded larval habitat and reduced prey abundance.
Adults survive for a few weeks, and their flight range is limited to a few hundred meters from their larval habitats.
The habitat of the adults occupy corresponds to nearby larval habitat.