However, the presence or absence of a dead parent had no effect on larval growth.
The larvae are active and actively hunt prey leading to rapid larval growth.
The larval and juvenile growth has been extensively studied, with the oldest known individual 17 years of age.
These findings suggest darkness may be a stimulus for larval growth.
In four cases, the ELS test may have been three to 10 times more sensitive to effluents than the larval growth and survival test.
The robust larval growth is responsible for many echinoderms being used as popular model organisms in developmental biology.
The researchers say that faster larval growth is probably contributing to the rise in pipefish numbers.
If the leaf is not big enough to complete the larval growth, the larva migrates to another leaf through the lower surface.
However, a substrate of somewhat moistened, decayed leaves and wood should still be provided in order to create a suitable medium for larval growth.
Interestingly, presence of kin and non-kin also affects larval growth and metamorphosis.