It is a pollen storer, that is actively feeding the larvae from a central pollen storage, rather than providing each larval cell with its own pollen container.
The species is a pollen storer, i.e. it stores pollen in separate cells and feeds each larva individually, instead of storing the pollen directly in the larval cells.
Lamellocytes are flat cells that are never found in adult cells, and instead are only present in larval cells for their ability to encapsulate invading pathogens.
These observations are consistent with the distinct developmental programs of imaginal and larval cells.
Why don't their delicate larval cells rupture when their body water turns to ice, and how do they avoid freezer burn?
The exon 1a construct was not expressed in any identifiable embryonic or larval cells at the 1-somite stage yet there was intense labelling of yolk platelets.
Bees of these nine colonies took the caps off the larval cells, but then left the dead larvae inside.
During Drosophila metamorphosis, most larval cells die.
It is a pollen storer, that is, it stores pollen in wax pots or empty cells and feeds each larva individually, rather than storing the pollen in pockets in the larval cells.
The life cycle of V. jacobsoni in A. mellifera begins with a mature mated female entering a larval cell of a honey bee.