It allows communities to implement demonstration projects, in order to secure funding for larger-scale projects.
Many of the larger-scale projects, such as the award-winning student lounges and the Media Center, are a collaborative effort amongst students, practicing faculty members, and contractors.
In recent decades, the firm has expanded its focus to include larger-scale projects, such as hospitals, stadiums and retail complexes.
"In this case," the report said, "an analysis that overstates required income artificially supports a larger-scale project."
Senator Charles E. Schumer, who supports the rail-freight tunnel but not the stadium, agreed in principle that prosperous times should produce larger-scale projects.
It is a venture capital facility which allows communities to implement demonstration projects, in order to secure funding for larger-scale projects.
From 1982 to 1992, Webb turned his focus from solo performing to larger-scale projects, such as film scores, Broadway musicals, and classical music.
Due to this increase in scale, the model takes variations in stream morphology along the river into account and allows for application in larger-scale projects.
I think the situation there is still rather too unstable to allow larger-scale projects to be implemented.
"It's not financially viable to do a larger-scale project and [not] expect with any certainty to make some money," he told Ars.