Over the past year Cuba has opened up more of its largely state-controlled economy, expanding self-employment in sectors such as hairdressing and watch repairs.
Some Hungarians say they believe such ills are a consequence of their country's experiment in opening opportunities for the private sector in the largely state-controlled economy.
The Cuban state adheres to socialist principles in organizing its largely state-controlled planned economy.
Memorial helps organise legal aid for victims of human rights violations and works to publicise cases that find no place in Russia's largely state-controlled media.
Although the largely state-controlled press splashed the president's proposal across their front pages with banner headlines in red type, details were in short supply.
While industry remained largely state-controlled, Lenin acknowledged that the NEP was a necessary capitalist measure for a country unripe for socialism.
Sociologists blame these sentiments on anti-Georgian propaganda in the largely state-controlled media.
Those sentiments have been amplified by Russian officials and the largely state-controlled media here.
The opposition has received only limited access to television, which is largely state-controlled.
India's drive to become a global economic powerhouse faces a huge roadblock in its inefficient, largely state-controlled financial system, analysts say.