For one, the economy was largely stagnant in the 1980's, a condition that pushed couples to limit family sizes.
But the tax breaks ended four years ago, and the economy has been largely stagnant.
In "mature" newspaper markets like Europe and the United States, newspaper sales are largely stagnant.
We are sure now that the Federation is both highly structured and largely stagnant.
His tenure was largely stagnant, as two major textile mills closed, and the downtown area declined with the rise of suburban shopping centers.
The airport's passenger count was largely stagnant from the late 1970's through the early 1990's, but it had slowly grown with the rise of discount carriers.
In the 1980's, Brazil's per capita income remained largely stagnant.
Despite significant strides toward democracy over the last two decades, economic growth is largely stagnant and democratic consolidation scarce.
Both programs failed, and the brotherhoods were largely stagnant in the 1920s.
Behind this lies the problem of an economy that has been largely stagnant since the mid-1970s.