It lies directly beside Rotherham, from which it is separated largely by the M1 motorway.
The visceral sac is largely separated from the rest of the body.
It is the second largest city of Senegal, but largely separated from the north of the country by The Gambia.
Although denied by the government, for many years there was blatant racism in the Zone, with "gold" and "silver" facilities separated largely on the basis of color.
The houses face each other across interconnecting pathways and green spaces, so that pedestrians are largely separated from traffic.
After a son, Crown Prince Friedrich Ludwig (1698-1731), had been born in the first year of marriage, the couple lived largely separated.
Howard University was a significant change given a childhood largely separated from her peers.
Since 1996, the couple has been largely separated by half a world, although they always remained in communication through phone calls and e-mail messages.
It is concerned with long term strategic planning and financing, and is largely separated from the college community.
Before the Bottom became a park, the raised bed of the rail line had largely separated the wetlands from the river.