On the other side of the English channel, the situation was largely reversed.
In 1917, there was another restructuring of the lines, which largely reversed the 1887 changes.
By contrast, the balance of power is largely reversed in baseball.
Those measures were largely reversed in the late 1970's, and the properties returned to their previous owners.
There at least it became possible to claim that the effects of the clearances had been largely reversed.
Although these measures have been largely reversed in compliance with the peace plan, a senior Vatican official said no basic reconciliation had taken place.
The German spelling reform of 1901 largely reversed these, but they remain in some proper nouns.
Today, those earlier stereotypes have been largely reversed.
Margin debt rose rapidly beginning last fall, just as the Nasdaq market took off on an explosive surge that has now been largely reversed.
In Niven's future world, the deterioration of age has been largely reversed, so humans live hundreds of years.