To his books I am largely indebted, both directly and indirectly, for information embodied in this volume, and especially in the first five chapters.
His expositions of the Psalms, Tractatus super Psalmos, for which he was largely indebted to Origen, were composed some time after his return from exile in 360.
However, the series failed to garner attention, and by 1939, Mintz was largely indebted to Columbia Pictures.
"Medieval cooking in Italy was largely indebted to the Arabs, who combined the culinary traditions of the Middle East, Persia and Rome," she said.
Largely because Cuba has indebted itself so heavily, Vice President Carlos Lage, the chief of economic policy, has called this a "high-risk harvest."
The sculpture, which is largely indebted to the classical art of antiquity, is almost enshrined here, in a circular, sky-lit space.
For his success as a writer Delavigne was largely indebted to the nature of the times in which he lived.
To the wool and cloth trade, which was especially fostered by the Cistercians, England was largely indebted for the beginnings of her commercial prosperity.
However, even with Congress giving him large sums of money, he still managed to become largely indebted.
In compiling his Companion Baker was largely indebted to Gerard Langbaine.