The police are ill equipped and largely incapable of providing effective protection or investigation.
The government is largely incapable of spending money on infrastructure that will get citizens and the private sector to invest in the future.
I staggered out into the fresh air, feeling suddenly queasy and largely incapable.
However, they are confined to using only hand-to-hand weapons, as their primitive brains have proven largely incapable of mastering more complicated tools, like bows.
Some characteristics such as personality are fixed and largely incapable of modification.
Before 1190 mining was used rarely and the siege engines of the time were largely incapable of damaging the thicker castle walls.
From all appearances, disability beneficiaries are indeed a group largely incapable of substantial gainful employment, at least in the current labor market.
Looking back over this century, you realize that humanity is capable of being governed but largely incapable of governing itself.
They certainly couldn't have been gods of the sort you got now, who by all accounts were largely incapable of making a cup of coffee.
Dinner was table d'hote, a boon to those of us largely incapable of reading a menu in Spanish.