I found it appalling, and to call what they do 'worshiping,' I suspect, is largely inaccurate.
He paused, blinking at his own use of the colloquial- if largely inaccurate- term by which Mino had taken to calling the approaching pulsar and its anticipated effects.
Regime air attacks, as reported by international media, appear curiously half-hearted and largely inaccurate.
This act was passed after naturalists conducted rough and largely inaccurate visual surveys of the bison population, concluding that the animal was in decline.
Basse continued his ferocious attack so that the return fire was sporadic and largely inaccurate.
He published a largely inaccurate, ghostwritten autobiography.
Tabloid newspaper the Daily Star also printed an enthusiastic but largely inaccurate full page article depicting the scene as a straightforward New Romantic revival.
She said that while the book was largely inaccurate, the two had been romantically involved.
Your economics team are misleading the public in giving a largely inaccurate assessment of what is happening on the other side of the pond.
As a result, standings and statistics are largely inaccurate for the entire season.