Unlike many recent statistics, today's results were largely as expected and had no discernible effect on securities markets.
Today's report on gross domestic product was largely as expected in its 2 percent annual rate of growth.
All the majors acknowledge that the outcome was largely expected.
The move was largely expected in light of the Fed action to raise rates.
The decision, which was largely expected, failed to prevent another increase in oil prices.
The resignations had been largely expected, but they indicate a major shake-up at the top of the party.
In fact, the appointments were largely expected, but the market seized upon the news to leap ahead.
The "hostile" $44.6 billion bid was rejected by the board, as largely expected.
"The market yawned after the release of the statistics because the results were both largely expected and not very current," he said.
Although the team had a dismal 2012 season, losing 101 games (the worst record since 1966) it was largely expected.