Consider the practice of foot-binding in China, which persisted for a thousand years - and was largely eradicated within a generation.
Secret societies in Singapore have been largely eradicated as a security issue in the city-state.
While largely eradicated thanks to vaccines, mumps outbreaks do still occur in the U.S.
Combining cellular biology and nanotechnology may lead to a future in which disease is largely eradicated.
Although there have been reports that some farm workers still do receive partial payment in wine, the "tot" system has been largely eradicated.
Foxes have been largely eradicated by a continuing baiting program, leading to a significant increase in the number of native animals in the reserve.
The operation failed and the Crusaders were largely eradicated in the process.
Outbreak at Plant Brucellosis has been largely eradicated, with only 84 cases nationwide reported last year.
By the 1950s, parasitic diseases were largely eradicated in the United States in part due to the widespread use of window screens.
Eventually, these pockets of small time "mob wanabees" would be largely eradicated by federal authorities in the late 1970's and early 1980's.