After a while, the leg is no longer mentioned and it is largely assumed that he was healed by the Perfect Mask.
Novelists of the here and now have largely assumed the whole business to be devoid of the passions their vocation has taught them to pursue.
The Pyus receded into the background, and by the early 13th century, had largely assumed the Burman ethnicity.
It is largely assumed that newer cars include a benefit for the environment, however Economist Willem Buiter questions environmental benefits of the program.
It is largely assumed that it was Tresilian who drafted the 'questions', and thereby turned a political controversy into a legal dispute.
By 15 million years ago the continents had largely assumed their current positions and a latitudinal temperature gradient very similar to the present one had been established.
The job of preparing city budgets was later largely assumed by the mayor.
His role was largely assumed by the physician Raphael Friedeberg.
For decades, it was largely assumed the structure was used for military defense.
By 1735 Newcastle had largely assumed control of colonial affairs, further increasing the amount of patronage he controlled.