Canonical's move to completely open the Launchpad source code will largely address the concerns expressed by prospective adopters.
Although the widescreen ratio still makes the Tab 10.1 a bit unwieldly in portrait orientation, the device's consistent shape and extremely light weight largely address the comfort problems.
A new version will soon be available, largely addressing these security concerns by removing the need for consumers to download any software.
Jones' campaign largely addressed issues of budget deficits, electrical shortages, and perceived corruption in the Davis administration.
Deceptive practices largely addressed in the airline industry have gone unchecked in the rental-car business.
The sub-meter target coordinates, using national surveillance assets, (aerospace, sensors, etc.) would largely address the accuracy of target coordinate designation.
With the textual issues largely addressed, if not solved, the questions of Chaucer's themes, structure, and audience were addressed.
Her poetry largely addresses Catholic and spiritual themes and she often composed poems to commemorate religious events and celebrations.
The report largely addresses the critical issues and fits in well with existing clean air legislation.
- The services delivered by investees were found to be addressing largely unmet needs or providing innovation in service delivery.