Scientists from the banana industry in Honduras responded to the potential crisis by implementing new large-scale breeding schemes in a new FHIA variety.
Investors Already Wary Most large-scale schemes for exploiting high-temperature superconductivity, including energy-storage systems, power-line transformers and medical imaging equipment, would either create or require large magnetic fields.
Critics have said that HUD's lax oversight of its 203(k) mortgage program was partly to blame for the large-scale scheme to defraud the agency.
It commissioned designs for many large-scale schemes, none of which were ever built.
The economic strategy has also been criticized for having placed too much emphasis on manufacturing, especially on large-scale, capital-intensive schemes such as the paper mill at Fort William.
Instead of investing resources into developing the kind of agricultural extension services that could help smallholder production, however, the government has chosen to focus on large-scale, private sector-led industrial agricultural schemes as a way to boost food production.
Perhaps the answer to the problem of the current generation of out-of-work graduates is a large-scale dog-cloning scheme?
Supporters of the project, including Mr. Wanamaker's daughter, the actress Zoe Wanamaker, placed the blame for the opposition on British resistance to change and suspicion of anything that smacks of a large-scale commercial scheme.
Surviving large-scale extensive schemes of Old Testament stories are comparatively rare.
But the simplest and most direct of all the paintings on view is the little self-portrait by Annibale Carracci - a master, when he wished, of large-scale decorative schemes and elaborate mythological allusion.