Similarly, in reviving the city's long-dormant tradition of large-scale urban planning, Bloomberg is, in a sense, trying to reverse recent history.
Hundreds of local zoning boards control development within their own borders, making large-scale planning impossible.
In addition to the desire to make a satellite town, there were other important aspects of choosing the location that made it attractive for large-scale planning.
The first, and political argument, is that historicism 'desires' not only to predict change but also to control it by centralized large-scale planning.
"I wouldn't be surprised if there were other, surrogate groups used by his organization as well, since this clearly required large-scale planning."
It can probably be explained by the relative dispersion of Greek slaves, which would have prevented any large-scale planning.
Settat has undergone large-scale urban planning from the 1970s to become an important regional center.
It was Stalin's fanatical energy, large-scale planning, and smart resource distribution that kept up the industrialization's incredible pace.
That is not to say that large-scale planning or zoning does not occur.
Very few doubt the need for large-scale planning.