Some fear that the shutdown is a prologue to large-scale layoffs.
Last month, Dell announced that 1,700 employees would be let go, the first large-scale layoffs in company history.
Deals that combine companies are becoming a bigger factor behind large-scale layoffs across the nation.
Moreover, this approach may result in large-scale layoffs that can hurt the economy and reduce demand for the products of American companies.
A main reason for worker unrest has been the fear of large-scale layoffs.
Many big Japanese companies, reluctant to engage in large-scale layoffs, instead eliminate overtime, move people around and even cut pay.
As companies start to fret about profits, they will pay more attention to efficiency, and that could mean large-scale layoffs.
P.& G. is the second major consumer products company to announce large-scale layoffs.
The result is that it will be politically more palatable for the Government to permit large-scale layoffs.
Virtually every week brings news of large-scale corporate layoffs.