In Jenin, the site of a large-scale Israeli incursion, the army destroyed the family homes of four militants involved in violent attacks on Israelis, the army said.
Not without further large-scale incursions into the southside, and that I would not recommend.
This was the first large-scale incursion by the South African forces into Angola during the 23-year-long "Border War" in South West Africa (now Namibia).
The Soviet government feared that the fighting marked a prelude to a large-scale Chinese incursion into the Russian Far East.
The trench bore criticism when it became clear that it was unable to stop large-scale incursions between 1876 and 1877.
In the last few weeks, tensions have risen after what Taiwan describes as large-scale incursions by Communist fishing boats.
They have been almost invisible since Israel began large-scale incursions almost two years ago.
Seventeen more planets are suffering from large-scale incursions, and are doing their best to isolate the affected areas.
The massive deployment of ships and aircraft in Operations Formation Star and Combat Fox served to deter further large-scale incursions.
In 205 BC, he felt it necessary to make a large-scale military incursion against the Gerrhaeans with the object of securing himself a reasonable portion of their trade.