It last erupted in January 2009, requiring the large-scale evacuation of residents.
Officials allowed for the possibility that more citizens of other countries might show up at the embassy later, but said the large-scale evacuation had ended.
Due to large-scale evacuations, there were only two deaths in the country.
However, there has been no large-scale evacuation seem set into effect as of November 2011.
In a second day of large-scale evacuations for United States citizens, about 4,500 Americans were waiting to move out.
However, losses due to the large-scale evacuation of oil and natural gas rigs was estimated to be several million dollars.
By Saturday, the point was moot because the large-scale evacuation of the city was already underway.
When we first learned that our world was doomed, the idea of attempting a large-scale evacuation was put forth.
The large-scale evacuations resulted in a lower loss of life from the typhoon.
The local authorities, however, did not welcome the prospect of a large-scale evacuation.