The war and violent clampdowns by the Kenyan government caused large-scale disruption to the way of life in the district, resulting in a slight shift from pastoralist and transhumant lifestyles to sedentary, urban lifestyles.
Moreover, the officials said, they feared the law enforcement operation would provoke demonstrations in other parts of Puerto Rico, and that local authorities were unprepared for large-scale disruptions.
Storm takes an immense storm as its protagonist, an extraordinary departure in itself, and again teases out the consequences for human beings of this large-scale environmental disruption.
In the January 2005 elections, the National Guard and police provided polling place security that monitors characterized as adequate, under threats of large-scale insurgent disruption.
By contrast, capitalists are able to withdraw resources more incrementally, with restricted implications for their own immediate welfare, and they can usually redeploy means of production in other localities, regions or countries if faced with large-scale disruption.
Top scientific advisers to the Government warned today that the nation's telecommunications system was increasingly vulnerable to large-scale disruption by terrorist attack.
But the late 1990's brought crises of confidence in markets whose size, speed and propensity for large-scale disruptions have vastly outstripped the fund's resources and ability to keep up.
All roads leading in and out of the capital were closed and large-scale disruptions were reported in all parts of Lebanon from Tyre in the south to Tripoli in the north.
Tropical Storm Irene and the October Nor'Easter brought large-scale disruption to normal community functions and services across the State.
Media dependency during a large-scale social disruption.