A series of surface waves can be generated due to large-scale displacement of the ocean water.
This large-scale displacement along religious lines led to some changes of food, because there were differences in food habits between the Muslims and the Hindus.
At present, the fear of large-scale displacement is far worse than the reality, urban planning experts said.
The Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974 resulted in the large-scale displacement of the population, and paralyzed the local economy.
The magazine has also been seen as very supportive for the human rights and large-scale displacement of indigenous people for large projects.
Another criticism of investment in land is the potential for large-scale displacement and of local peoples without adequate compensation, in either land or money.
Nor can monitors alone offer any guarantee that Burundi will not succumb to ethnic massacres and large-scale displacement of peoples.
We must invest in conflict prevention and in establishing conditions that save local populations from the tragedy of major large-scale displacement.
The major impact of the earthquake in the north-east of the region caused large-scale displacement of Pakistan's skilled and unskilled labour force.
Local and regional ecological problems can have serious implications for international relations, for example limited water resources or the large-scale displacement of environmental refugees.