The Crystalline Entity used a kind of large-scale matter-to-energy conversion to strip-mine entire planets.
Once before military-industry workers faced a large-scale conversion, after World War II, when a resurgent economy took them on.
Some of these projects will be large-scale conversions.
A significant amount of research was dedicated to the Muslim "problem", as Marshall Broomhall called it, but the effort resulted in no large-scale conversions.
Unlike Romania, for example, there were no large-scale conversions of Jews.
A property owner who adds even one illegal unit to a house has begun the process that inexorably leads to large-scale conversions that doom neighborhoods.
In spite of large-scale forcible conversions, Sephardic culture was not entirely decimated.
While the projects are the first large-scale conversions ready for leasing, several other conversions are also under way.
A campaign to have it listed failed as the large-scale conversion for television production had made it unsuitable for listing.
Apartment ownership became an option for many of those owners only in the 70's, when large-scale conversion of rental buildings began.