But he was quickly challenged both on the wisdom of large-scale aid and the best source of it.
Others said large-scale aid in the near future would be a palliative, with little impact on the basic economic structure.
How sure are we that large-scale federal aid for post-Katrina reconstruction will really materialize?
But they made it clear that, if the Soviets wanted the large-scale aid, a certain pattern of reform would have to be instituted.
To recover, the island needed large-scale aid for training and physical renewal.
In the 20th century, crop insurance, new conservation techniques, and large-scale federal aid have lowered the risk.
Otherwise it is impossible to get members of the Community to agree on large-scale aid.
While Western leaders have virtually ruled out large-scale financial aid, restructuring debt may be possible.
The issue remains a potent one in Tokyo, where public opinion is decidedly against large-scale aid.
The international agencies required further economic liberalisation and reform as a precondition for large-scale aid.